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How this research came about:

My PhD research found that there is no framework to understand how this works or the unmet needs associated. I studied all the accepted explanations, traced where the flaring up difficulty comes from, and why such people have not way of expressing 'validly' why they  sometimes need the opposite of what others want or obtaining it, and what they can do. I discovered an unrecognised way of 'thinking in imaging' usually interpreted as ‘just imagining things’ or ‘all in your head’. [LINK 2] I studied all treatments (medical and societal) and where they lead to.  Under normal conditions, the life of these people just keeps becoming ever more difficult and their health and social relations deteriorate - because no adequate living conditions exist for them. Eventually a simpler view came and I found new options to explore.

Neither 'normal' living in society nor the 'good life' or 'easy life' of success can meet their fundamental needs, nor do these give them means of 'being useful' to society. The framework I found effective in practice is very simple:     a similarity with 'rehabilitation to the wild' in wildlife care (care in of injured wildlife in temporary captivity until release in the wild). If an individual has a body-brain that behaves like undomesticated animals (e.g. crocodile, wild cat), it is easily subject to damage in many circumstances. This snowballs into syndromes and societal dysfunction. Some crucial, basic, physiological functions just must be addressed to stop brain-driven, induced 'climacteric'  effects. It is all just following medical advice: 'change lifestyle, diet, exercise', but doing it differently. 'Basic options' are nothing outlandish or economically exorbitant. Achieving them, however, is made a practical impossibility and demands thinking outside the box. It is feasible, and in the process would benefit not just these people.  [LINK 6 below]

Contribute your own story below

Wildlife rehabilitation for humans?

Some people feel and behave often more like wildlife than socially-adapted humans, and have a hard time fitting in crowded, unnatural  urban living conditions. A kind of 'rehabilitation through nature' has been practiced for a long time to help teenagers troubled and stressed. Stress is a major trigger for the flare-ups of many female syndromes of exhaustion (chronic 'fatigue') and pain such as fibromyalgia and affects both emotions and behaviour, as well as the body's entire physiology.

When social-adaptation fails & turns up a physiologically 'failed' 'fully human' adult...

The wildlife-like physiology of some individuals (some men, and some women who fall to these syndromes) is very sensitive to  sensory overload, foods, medical drugs, etc., and reacts fast and hard in stress, social or not.

Research  on Wildlife Rehabilitation for humans:

Fieldwork goal in the last 3 years: determining the elements of the Ecology of Health, and finding the 'Basic Options' that can help such people. One crucial option is a lifestyle that is not over-stimulating, and habitat conditions that encourage breathing, better hydration, and maintaining physical mobility through walking and other gentle non-'exertion' physical activity such as swimming or gardening.

Research goal: establishing an Experimental Foraging Station for which free access to land is necessary. [See the link #6 below]

This wildlife-style rehabilitation is particularly useful to maintain healthier basic physiological functions in those with chronic flaring syndromes who "do not respond" as expected to conventional medical treatments. Such people can end up excluded from society, denied the 'right' to "earn a living", and even to meet even basic needs (e.g. shelter adequate for them, sufficient physical activity that is not 'exertion'). They are often over driven, yet judged as 'lacking' because they cannot tolerate conventional solutions, and in women tend to cause recurring life-wide crises that take everything and everybody from them.

This growing problem needs urgent solution as the 'economic burden' of illness and ageing increases, and as our soils and food sources deteriorate, just as human health is drifting. Yet the situation could be turned around, to the advantage of the world of human organised society as well as these individuals. They have something to offer, for body and earth.

<Walk for research on wildlife style rehabilitation for chronic syndromes intolerant of medical drugs; supported by non-conventional minds: those who can't keep up/don’t fit in still deserve a fair go.> (short description) - See more at:
Short description:
Research on wildlife rehabilitation for chronic flaring syndromes intolerant of medical drugs.
Supported by unconventional minds: those who can't keep up or don't fit in still deserve a fair go.
<Walk for research on wildlife style rehabilitation for chronic syndromes intolerant of medical drugs; supported by non-conventional minds: those who can't keep up/don’t fit in still deserve a fair go.> (short description) - See more at:
<Walk for research on wildlife style rehabilitation for chronic syndromes intolerant of medical drugs; supported by non-conventional minds: those who can't keep up/don’t fit in still deserve a fair go.> (short description) - See more at:
<Walk for research on wildlife style rehabilitation for chronic syndromes intolerant of medical drugs; supported by non-conventional minds: those who can't keep up/don’t fit in still deserve a fair go.> (short description) - See more at:
'Water of life' is physiological
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A National Park brochure in NT:

'Arid lands do not recover easily. Take great care" .... The same is true of the dessicating body of an ageing woman or one with a diffuse syndrome.

Sir/Pr Peter Gluckman 

'Mismatch - why our world no longer fits our bodies' (2006). Mismatch explains that many of our current social and health problems, such as the current obesity epidemic, and its consequences including diabetes and heart disease, are the result of our bodies not keeping pace with the world we inhabit.

Pr Claude Hamonet     

 […] personnes qui nous étaient adressées pour fibromyalgie. (ou coeliaque ou…)

 […]une psychiatrisation abusive. Ces patients sont très, souvent, stigmatisés comme… […] pour beaucoup, s’entendent dire ou suggérer que c’est dans leur  tête ! L’apparence peut tromper…

[…] surtout lorsqu’on attribue les douleurs et les difficultés fonctionnelles à des troubles existentiels ou comportementaux.

Ease of Health

Findings from The Peckham Experiment (1930’s Britain):

‘Ease is one of the outstanding action-patterns of health. It appears, for instance in the infant as serenity.’ (p.188) […] ‘Between the “immune” and the “insusceptible” there is a difference in the body’s action-pattern. We do not, however, yet know on what this attribute of insusceptibility rests.’ (p.238)

Williamson G., Pearse S., Innes H. 1965. Science, synthesis and sanity, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ph.D. research and found out that there is no known framework to understand how this works or the unmet needs associated. I studied all the accepted explanations, traced where this difficulty comes from, and discovered an unrecognised way of thinking in imaging usually interpreted as ‘just imagining things’ or ‘all in your head’. [LINK 2] I studed all treatments (medical and societal) and where they lead to.

Eventually a simpler view came and I found new options to explore. The fieldwork I started aims to find these ways to live better and participate in society despite this difficulty.

- See more at:

Resources for information on this research:

(on Google Drive, right-click to download)
 Most of my contributions are collated on this webstie, and  published on Research Gate:
 and on my Google Drive site:
after my Ph.D. findings were refused publication by the 'Community of Science' because (a) they present a geometric modelling method that is not 'complex' (b) they concern the Ecology of Health both physical and (in)human(e), for which there are no combined journals (c) they go in the opposite direction to most 'high profile' research even though going in the direction desired by increasing numbers of people victims of stress and yoyo life events.

LATEST LINK (April 2014): Topologic Ecology Reports (including Trephina Gorge Experiment report) .            

The conclusion of this field research in application to Toplogic Ecology theory, is that this approach is being systematically suppressed and even punished; the less costly 'Basic Options' are made a practical impossibility, as is now my existence:          - includes an Appeal

LINK 1: Fallen through the cracks: View a powerpoint introduction to the need for human wildlife rehabilitation at:  

This is a hidden but spreading problem that could be turned around to benefit both community ad environment. My experimental field work therefore also serves a goal of awareness raising about this growing problem, for which there is a ‘basic option’ solution, and to  appeal to ‘crowd funding’ for this research.                                

This power point presentation, slightly increased, is part of a submission to a governmental committee on affordable housing in Canberra, Australia

LINK 2: Thinking in ‘imaging’  - Not all imagination in her head

LINK 3: ‘Climacteric’ phenomena - up & down & critical states -- not mad or crazy  -, ...and 'Basic' options

LINK 4: ‘Green-Hands’ work instead of ‘green jobs’   a new approach (a local council submission) [and 'Basic options we keep neglecting]

LINK 5:  Essentials of Topologic Ecology research into the Ecology of Health and the anthropology of Diffuse-Flaring Syndromes [A summary of various aspect of the findings of this research work.]

LINK 5bis:  Counter-productive effects of SurVival

LINK 6:  Experimental Foraging Station (main research project)

An option for both the syndromes and the collective problem of soils & foods)

It does not require more advanced science, more skills & technology – we have them ; it does not require lots of subsidies; it is not a return to living naked in the dust or mud. It does require a will to actually do something about our global situation.

LINK 7: Fibromyalgia and how it works

LINK 8: How do we stop? Doctorate thesis in published version (book available at Amazon), with visuals online:

LINK 9: The Water Stress Hypothesis (blog of references) Water stress is well known in plants, which then falter and cannot use properly their 'hydraulic framework'; this is not translated to humans: Most humans do not hold adequate posture because of dried spinal discs (the hydraulic framework of the spine being dysfunctional, it is compensated by muscles, which gives rise to chronic tension and somato-psychic armoring'). Most humans do not thrive easily because water is necessary for energy production as well as keeping cells alive and with their basic vegetative functions. Much degeneration (including those attributed to ageing such as arthritis) can be traced back to maldistribution of water, induced by stress hormones that get hijacked into the brain as neurotransmitters for mental functions (for example high Adrenaline and NorEpinephrine help 'cope' but have drastic counter-productive effects onto local body functions. Corticosteroids (mainly Cortisol, another stress hormone) are also involved in ageing degeneration.

LINK 9bis: Topology in the body'  This file contains images of how topology can be used to describe shifting topographic distributions in the body. Topology' is an animated geometry describing small distorsion that is very well suited to describing small alterations of shape and function in the body, for example shifting pains or altered physical appearance, or misdistribution of water in body hydration. Physical common sense uses these instinctively to realise 'what's going on' and avoid illness, to 'see' what needs to be done to reduce the coming close to crisis, reduce physiological struggle that is impairing health and the practical  ability to remain operational..... However, as a mathematical and theoretical discipline, it has been developed into 'advanced' descriptions of large deformations (''transformations') in the human domain (e.g. social, mental), violent modifications ('change' under critical conditions and  endless forming-reForming, in organisations of any type, etc. -. It now focuses inversely on fostering critical changes (crises) justified as 'for survival', rather than supporting life, keeping things on track and bodies safe and sound... to foster physiological Ease instead of crises.

LINKS 10 to the 3 following formal papers are available online and at  

M Bouchon, PhD
M Bouchon, PhD  [see also added files:     Summary of what was known in 2010, and     Theoretical reflexions on Oxytocine]
Conference presentation (power point file in PDF): Modes of Thinking and complexity
M Bouchon, PhD

Modes of Thinking - Both presentations at:

Bouchon M. (2013 May). Representations for Explaining & Acting. PowerPoint Presentation (53 slides) for conference Modes of Thinking (Paris, France).

Bouchon M. (2013 May). Basic’ geometric topology. PowerPoint Presentation (15 slides) for conference Modes of Thinking (Paris, France). 

Abstract: Our modes of concrete explanation, and theoretical perspectives, are underpinned by our systems of depiction 'in perspective' These are based on two fundamental parameters of representation – direction and motion (or pattern and activity) and can be expressed in gestures of a geometric nature. This is related to a 'geometry of mind', which some philosophers have discussed fragmentarily, and which can be described using a basic (non mathematical) form of geometric topology -- an animation. The frameworks ultimately produced, in particular complex, dynamic, adaptive, open systems, can be misused out of context. The current rise of explanations related to critical emergence and survival, using large number statistics and hyperbolic geometries, has daily life implications and can be traced back to these parameters. This and other problems point to the importance for thinkers to anticipate far-flung ‘butterfly’ effects of their frameworks.

The ‘basic’ geometric topology constitutes an unrecognised mode of ‘thinking in imaging’, found in some 'sensitive' individuals, including small children. It describes near-critical but non-emergent behaviour in an undifferentiated way, and is used by some women with ‘diffuse’ syndromes.

As a modelling method, this mode of apprehension visualises both origins and ends simultaneously. This makes it apt to ‘gauge’ situations globally, detect hidden drifts, and model how to stop them from reaching limits. It also gauges a situation ‘as it presents’, without representation in perspective, and thus gives access to ‘basic options’ invisible to other frameworks, and which Topologic Ecology seeks and implements. This is complementary to the solutions found with perspective-based frameworks.

Internet websites

Petition (please go sign it): Save women from the 'syndromes

Ask for research on the Hypothalamic Osmostat that initiates fatigue, pain, stress, behavioural changes, etc.

Survey in French: Fibromyalgia et effets diffus   
(A questionnaire on Fibromyalgia and diffuse symptoms in other female syndromes)

New Era Expo: Not only people I meet in the Australian 'outback; are interested in my approach. Some,stuck in cities also are. But we have no power to demand our right to health, freedom and access to the land from 'The Establishment'. My field research can go further if no one individual will open for this work and me a door to institutional "right" of access to land and living conditions not killing a woman's body. 
donations and patronage welcome.

Basic Options - Topologic Ecology gives access to much neglected 'basic' options

Fweb24 - Fibromyalgia in a Topologic Ecology view

A geometric modelling method and a global approach.         

How do we stop? : Doctorate thesis (multi-media) in published version (book available at Amazon) with visuals online, & cognitive experiments) - excluding the very long methods chapter, but accompanied by the visuals on the following website

The fundamental Problem of Knowledge Transfer (scientific<->human, or physical<->mental) and consequences on our modes of concrete and abstract representation, and therefore our actions and general policies. This is a very important logical issue that is not recognised and has been causing philosophical, cultural, social problems as well as physical damage do the human species for a very long time. Because of it, we are getting caught by our own detail intelligence, re-creating endlessly the same old problems, in worse form. For example, physical survival states are confused with surviving in organised society; pushing stress may be good for performance and detail intelligence, but is a disaster for health; the 'healthy sex drive' may be good for younger people, but not for older psyches or world population; implications and global and many.

Your story, for a collective voice

To help raise awareness of the plight of people whose physiology functions more like wildlife than that of Humans in their world(s) and of their need to regain access to wild lands, such people need a voice. This website can serve that purpose by gathering personal stories and later building a data base, to  make this hidden problem 'visible' to science.

 If you feel more akin to wildlife than to the Human World, please write a comment on why you need nature or wilderness, and in what way
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